2025 5th International Conference on Neural Networks, Information and Communication Engineering
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Prof. Xiaoping Li

Gungdong University of 

Technology, China

Bio: Dr. Xiaoping Li  is a distinguished professor of the Hundred Talents Program in Gungdong University of Technology. He is an IEEE Senior member and a  Distinguished member of China Computer Federation (CCF). He received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Applied Computer Science from the Harbin University of Science and Technology in 1993 and 1999, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in Applied Computer Science from the Harbin Institute of Technology in 2002.  From Jan. 2003 to Dec. 2004, he did postdoctoral research at the Department of Automation at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. From Mar. 2009 to Mar. 2010, he was a visiting professor at the National Research Council, London, Ontario, Canada. He is a full professor at the School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing, China. He is the author or co-author over more than 100 academic papers, some of which have been published in international journals such as IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, Information Sciences, Omega, European Journal of Operational Research, Future Generation Computer Systems, Journal of Grid Computing,  Journal of Supercomputing,  International Journal of Production Research, Expert Systems with Applications, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Integrated Computer-Aided   Engineering, Cluster Computing, Computers & Industrial Engineering, International Journal of  Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Engineering Optimization, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Science in China Series F: Information Sciences, ICSOC, ICPADS, ICWS, SMC, CASE, CSCWD. His research interests include Scheduling in Cloud Computing, Scheduling in Cloud Manufacturing, Service Computing, Big Data and Machine Learning.


Prof. Dongning Liu

Guangdong University of 

Technology, China

Bio: Dongning Liu is a full professor of Guangdong University of Technology in China  (2009-now). He was born on Jan. in 1979. He is responsible for teaching discrete math in School of Computer Science and Technology. He is engaged in education and technology transfer on collaborative computing. He is a vice dean of School of Computer Science and Technology. Dr. Liu earned a Ph.D. in Logic at Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China (2007). He was a post Ph.D. in Math at Sun Yat-Sen University (2007-2009). He was a visiting professor in Nipissing University,North Bay, Canada (2015-2016). 

He has published more than 60 papers on computer magazines and international conferences. He is an associate editor for the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Magazine. He is a reviewer for several IEEE Transactions and other journals. He is a Technical Committee member of TC on Distributed Intelligent Systems (DIS) of IEEE Society, Distinguished Member of China Computer Federation(CCF), and a Committee member of TC on Cooperative Computing of CCF.